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Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles
*student co-author

Trott, C. D. (2024). Activism as education in and through the youth climate justice movement. British Educational Research Journal


Trott, C. D. (2024). Rewriting the climate story with youth climate justice activists. Geographical Research. 


Trott, C. D. (2024). Envisioning action-oriented and justice-driven climate change education: Insights from youth climate justice activists. Children & Society. 


Lam, S.* & Trott, C. D. (2024). Intergenerational solidarities for climate healing: The case for critical methodologies and decolonial research practices. Children's Geographies. 


*Rabin, J., Vaughn, L.M., Trott, C. D., & Jacquez, F. (2024). Exploring parental perceptions of early childhood education among Spanish-speaking Latinx families. Early Childhood Education Journal, 29(1), 139-‌154.


Trott, C. D., Weinberg, A. E., Frame, S. M., Jean-Pierre, P., & Even, T. L. (2023). Civic science education for youth-driven water security: A behavioral development approach to strengthening climate resilience. International Journal of Behavioral Development, 48(2), 145-155. 


Trott, C. D., *Gray, E., *Lam, S., *Courtney, R. H., *Roncker, J., & Even, T. L. (2023). People’s action for climate justice: A systematic review. Local Environment, 28(9), 1131-1152. 


Trott, C. D., *Lam, S., *Roncker, J., *Gray, E., *Courtney, R. H.., & Even, T. L. (2023). Justice in climate change education: A systematic review. Environmental Education Research, 29(11), 1535-1572. 


Trott, C. D. (2022). Climate change education for transformation: Exploring the affective and attitudinal dimensions of children’s learning and action. Environmental Education Research, 28(7), 1023-1042.


*Wakefield, W., Weinberg, A. E., *Pretti, E. L., Merritt, E. G., Trott, C. D. (2022). “When I act consciously, I can see a brighter world around me”: Preservice teacher readiness to support transformative sustainability learning. Environmental Education Research, 28(11), 1672-1690.


*Lam, S. & Trott, C. D. (2022). Children’s climate change meaning-making through photovoice: Empowering children to learn, care, and act through participatory process. Educação, Sociedade & Culturas. Advance online publication. https/


Trott, C. D. (2021). Youth-led climate change action: Examining multi-level effects on children, families, and communities. Sustainability, 13(22), 12355.


Trott, C. D. (2021). What difference does it make? Exploring the transformative potential of everyday climate crisis activism by children and youth. Children’s Geographies. Advance online publication.


Trott, C. D., Rockett, M. L.*, Gray, E.*, Lam, S.*, Even, T. L., & Frame, S. M. (2020).  “Another Haiti starting from the youth”: Integrating the arts and sciences for empowering youth climate justice action in Jacmel, Haiti. Community Psychology in Global Perspective, 6(2), 48-70.


Trott, C. D. (2020). Children’s constructive climate change engagement: Empowering awareness, agency, and action. Environmental Education Research, 26(4), 532-554.


Trott, C. D., Even, T. L., & Frame, S. (2020). Merging the arts and sciences for collaborative sustainability action: A methodological framework. Sustainability Science, 15(4), 1067-1085.


Unanue, I., Patel, S. G., Tormala, T. T., Trott, C. D., Piazza Rodríguez, A., Méndez Serrano, K, & Brown, L. M. (2020). Seeing more clearly: Communities transforming towards justice in post-Hurricane Puerto Rico. Community Psychology in Global Perspective, 6(2). 22-47. 


Trott, C. D., Sample McMeeking, L. B., & Weinberg, A. E. (2020). Participatory action research experiences for undergraduates: Forging critical connections through community engagement. Studies in Higher Education, 45(11), 2260-2273.


Trott, C. D. & Weinberg, A. E. (2020). Science education for sustainability: Strengthening children’s science engagement through climate change learning and action. Sustainability, 12(16), 6400.


Jacquez, F., Trott, C. D., Wren, A. R.*, Ashraf, L. J.*, & Williams, S. E. (2020). Dream It! Preliminary evidence for an educational tool to increase children’s optimistic thinking. Child and Youth Care Forum


Weinberg, A. E., Trott, C. D., Wakefield, W.*, Merritt, E. M., Archambault, L. M. (2020). Looking inward, outward, and forward: Exploring the process of transformative learning in teacher education for a sustainable future. Sustainability Science.


Trott, C. D., Sample McMeeking, L. B., Bowker, C. L., & Boyd, K. J. (2020). Exploring the long-term academic and career impacts of undergraduate research in science: A case study. Journal of Geoscience Education, 68(1), 65-79.


Trott, C. D. (2019). Reshaping our world: Collaborating with children for community-based climate change action. Action Research, 17(1), 42-62.


Trott, C. D. (2019). Photovoice for children’s climate change engagement: Using digital photography to bridge knowledge and action. The Earth Scientist, 35(2), 20-25.


Trott, C. D., Weinberg, A. E., & Sample McMeeking, L. B. (2018). Prefiguring sustainability through participatory action research experiences for undergraduates: Reflections and recommendations for student development. Sustainability, 10, 1-21.


Weinberg, A. E., Trott, C. D., & Sample McMeeking, L. B. (2018). Who produces knowledge? Transforming undergraduate students’ views of science through participatory action research. Science Education, 102, 1155-1175.


Canetto, S. S., Trott, C. D., & Winterrowd, E. M., Haruyama, D., & Johnson, A. (2017). Challenges to the choice discourse: Women’s views of their family and academic-science career options and constraints. Journal of Feminist Family Therapy, 29(1-2), 4-27.


Trott, C. D., Harman, J. J., & Kaufman, M. R. (2017). Women’s attitudes towards intimate partner violence in Ethiopia: The role of social norms in the interview context. Violence Against Women, 23(8), 1016-1036.


Trott, C. D. (2016). Constructing alternatives: Envisioning a critical psychology of prefigurative politics. Journal of Social and Political Psychology, 4(1), 266-285.


Trott, C. D., & Canetto, S. S. (2014). The abuse of women’s rights: Perspectives from psychology and gender studies. The International Journal of Interdisciplinary Social and Community Studies, 7(4), 1-12.


Canetto, S. S., Trott, C. D., Thomas, J. J., & Wynstra, C. A. (2012). Making sense of the atmospheric science gender gap: Do female and male students have different career motives, goals, and challenges? Journal of Geoscience Education, 60(4), 408-416.

Book Chapters

Trott, C. D. (2024). Photovoice for the climate justice classroom: Inviting students’ affective and sociopolitical engagement. In J. Atkinson & S. Jaquette Ray (Eds.), Existential toolkit for climate justice educators: How to teach in a burning world (pp.89-98). University of California Press.


Trott, C. D., *Reimer-Watts, K., & Riemer, M. (2022). In pursuit of a practical utopia: Transitioning towards climate justice. In C. Kagan, R. Lawthom, M. Richards, J. Alfaro, A. Zambrano, & J. Akhurst (Eds.), The Routledge international handbook of community psychology: Facing global crises with hope. Taylor & Francis.


Trott, C. D. (2021). Process (vs. event). In M. Baker , B. B. Blaagaard, H. Jones, &  L. Pérez-González (Eds.), The Routledge encyclopedia of citizen media (pp. 331-336). London: Routledge.


Chapman, D., Trott, C. D., Silka, L., Lickel, B., & Clayton, S. (2018). Psychological perspectives on community resilience and climate change: Insights, examples, and directions for future research. In S. Clayton & C. Manning (Eds.), Psychology and Climate Change: From Denial and Depression to Adaptation and Resilience. Amsterdam: Elsevier.


Harman, J. J., Kaufman, M. R., Aoki, E., & Trott, C. D. (2014). Sexual network partners in Tanzania: Labels, power, and the systemic muting of women’s health and identity. In H. Pishwa & R. Schulze (Eds.), The expression of inequality in interaction: Power, dominance, and status (pp. 49-79). Amsterdam, The Netherlands: John Benjamins Publishing Company.







Even, T. L., Trott, C. D., *Gray, E., *Roncker, J., Basaraba, A., Harrison, T., Petersen, S., Sullivan, S., & Revis, S. (2021). Climate Equity Indicators Report - 2021, City of Cincinnati. The American Cities Climate Challenge Equity Capacity Building Fund, Bloomberg Foundation. 


Clayton, S., Silka, L., Trott, C. D., Chapman, D., & Mancoll, S. (2016). Building resilient communities in the face of climate change: A resource for local communities. Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues: Resource Guide. Retrieved from:

Other Publications
Invited Talks 
*student co-author

Trott, C. D. (2023, November). Expert Workshop: Sustainability transformations and social sciences: Methodological contributions, challenges, and ways forward. Invited speaker on topics of Future Scientificity, Navigating Representation and Inclusion, and Navigating Contextuality and Generalization. Sustainability Transitions Research Group, University of Basel, Switzerland.


Trott, C. D. (2023, January). Climate change education for transformation: Reflections and recommendations for youth agency and action. Invited speaker in Projects in Environmental Education, Department of Applied Environmental Science, California State University Monterey Bay, [virtual] Seaside, CA.


Trott, C. D. (2022, June). The intersections of social justice and your professional world. Invited panelist at Pre-Conference event held at the biennial conference of the Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues, San Juan, Puerto Rico.


Trott, C. D., Roncker, J.*, Gioielli, R., Hawkins-Johnson, K., Roberts, M., & Gray, E.* (2022, March). Community-led climate resilience planning for a more equitable Cincinnati: Centering equity and justice through neighborhood-level advisory councils. University of Cincinnati - Research and Innovation Week, Research Action Teams Showcase, Cincinnati, OH.


Trott, C. D. (2021, May). Scientific work with communities. Invited panelist at the Workshop for Public Engagement with Science and Philosophy of Science, hosted by the UC Center for Public Engagement with Science, Cincinnati, OH.


Trott, C. D. (2021, March). Envisioning climate just futures: Youth-led community action through the arts. Invited talk at the University of Colorado, Mellon Sawyer Seminar Series, Deep Horizons: Making Visible an Unseen Spectrum of Ecological Casualties & Prospects, Boulder, CO.


Trott, C. D. (2020, October). Psychology and climate change: What are we dealing with and what can we do about it? Invited talk on behalf of the Climate Change and Social Justice Adult Education Group of Congregation Beth Adam, Loveland, OH.


Trott, C. D. (2020, June). Educational sustainability for societal transformation: Empowering agency through action. Keynote speech for Educational Sustainability doctoral students at the University of Wisconsin, Stevens Point. 


Trott, C. D. (2019, December). Climate change engagement: From resistance to agentic action. Invited talk on behalf of the Association for Psychoanalytic Thought at the Cincinnati Psychoanalytic Institute, Cincinnati, OH.


Trott, C. D. (2017, March). Fostering community resilience to climate change: The role of youth participation. Invited talk on behalf of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA): Climate Stewards Education Project at the National Science Teachers Association Conference, Los Angeles, CA.​


Trott, C. D. (2016, September). Youth take action on climate change: Superpowers not required. Invited talk in L. Peek (Chair), Collaboration in a changing environment: Working with vulnerable populations. Invited talk for the Natural Resources Ecology Lab: Managing for Climate Change Series. Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO.

Trott, C. D., Sample-McMeeking, L. B., Bowker, C. L., & Boyd, K. (2016, August). Longitudinal impacts of undergraduate research: Exploring students’ perspectives and diversity outcomes in geoscience. Invited talk on behalf of University Distinguished Professor V. Chandrasekar to the Chengdu University for Information, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO.

Trott, C. D. (2016, July). Science, Camera, Action!: Climate change education for action through photovoice. Invited talk at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) Boulder Climate Change Workshop, Boulder, CO.

Trott, C. D., & McCulloch, J.* (2016, May). Science, Camera, Action!: Empowering youth climate change action in Northern Colorado. Invited talk at the 18th Annual City of Fort Collins Educator’s Workshop: Inspiring Civic Engagement through STEM, Fort Collins, CO.

Trott, C. D. (2015, August). Engaging youth in climate education and action: Navigating complexities and finding solutions. Invited talk at the 17th Annual City of Fort Collins Educator’s Workshop: Climate Change in the Classroom, Fort Collins, CO.

Selected Conference Papers
* student co-author

Even, T. L., Trott, C. D., Frame, S. M., & Peterson, J. P. (2024, May). Art-science-action collaborations for adaptation and resilience in Jacmel, Haiti. Paper to be presented at the 6th National Adaptation Forum, Saint Paul, MN.


Lam, S. & Trott, C. D. (2024, March). Making the case for critical methodologies and decolonial research practices to support intergenerational climate healing efforts. Paper to be presented at the Annual Meeting of the Southern Society for Philosophy and Psychology, Cincinnati, Ohio, USA.


Trott, C. D. (2023, July). Photovoice for the climate justice classroom: Supporting students’ affective and sociopolitical engagement. In J. W. Atkinson (Chair), Existential toolkit for climate justice educators [Symposium]. Paper presented at the Joint Biennial Conference of the Association for the Study of Literature and Environment (ASLE) and the Association for Environmental Studies and Sciences (AESS), Portland, OR, USA.


*Lam, S., *Gray, E., *Roncker, J., *Courtney, H. R., Trott, C. D., & Even, T. L. (2023, June). Taking action for climate justice: A systematic review. In S. Lam (Chair), Transforming our world through climate justice research and action. Symposium paper presented at the Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues Conference, Denver, Colorado.


*Campbell, E. M., *Dreher, C., *Lusnak, A., *Lam, S., *Roncker, J., & Trott, C. D. (2023, June). Exploring personal to community impacts of equity-driven climate resiliency planning. In S. Lam (Chair), Transforming our world through climate justice research and action. Symposium paper presented at the Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues Conference, Denver, Colorado.


*Lusnak, A., *Dreher, C., *Campbell, E. M., *Lam, S., Trott, C. D., Weinberg, A. E., Frame, S. M., Peterson, J., & Even, T. L. (2023, June). Exploring Haitian Youths’ behavioral development through climate change education. In S. Lam (Chair), Transforming our world through climate justice research and action. Symposium paper presented at the Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues Conference, Denver, Colorado.


*Gray, E., *Casey, S. C., *Malloy, D., *Smith, J. L., *Lam, S., & Trott, C. D. (2023, June). Exploring how young climate justice activists experience successes and challenges. In S. Lam (Chair), Transforming our world through climate justice research and action. Symposium paper presented at the Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues Conference, Denver, Colorado.


*Lam, S., & Trott, C. D. (2023, June).  Intergenerational relationships for climate healing: The necessity of decolonial practices for a climate just future. In N. Chaudhary (Chair), Cultivating just futures through a generational lens. Symposium paper presented at the 19th Biennial Conference of the Society for Community Research and Action, Atlanta, GA, USA.


Gray, E.*, Lam, S.*, Casey, S. C.*, Malloy, D.*, Smith, J. L.*, & Trott, C. D. (2023, June). How members of the youth climate justice movement approach successes and challenges: Implications for solidarity research. In F. E. Balcazar (Chair), Youth-focused interventions: Lessons learned from multiple programs [Symposium]. Paper presented at the 19th Biennial Conference of the Society for Community Research and Action, Atlanta, GA, USA.


Trott, C. D., *Roncker, J., *Lam, S., Even, T. L., & Basaraba, A. (2023, June). Equity-driven climate planning in the city: A case study of neighborhood-level climate resiliency planning in Cincinnati, USA. Paper presented at Empowering Futures – Long-term Governance, Democracy and Futures Research conference, Turku, Finland.


Trott, C. D., & *Lam, S. (2023, June). Striving for climate just futures today: Examining youths’ perspectives on climate justice activism in the United States. Paper presented at Empowering Futures – Long-term Governance, Democracy and Futures Research conference, Turku, Finland.


Trott, C. D., & *Lam, S. (2023, June). What would it mean to win? Envisioning alternative futures with youth climate justice activists. Paper presented at the Climate, Community Psychology, and Justice symposium, Johannesburg, South Africa.


Even, T. L., Baja, K., Willis, C., Kroner, O., & Trott, C. D. (2022, October). Climate equity indicators – What are they? How do you develop them? How can they be woven into the process of sustainable adaptation? Paper presented at the 5th National Adaptation Forum, Baltimore, MD.


Lam, S.* & Trott, C. D. (2022, October). Children and climate change action through photovoice: Collective meaning-making as a democratic educational practice. Paper presented at the 44th Annual Meeting of the Midwestern Educational Research Association, Cincinnati, OH.


Lam, S.*, Trott, C. D., & Gray, E.* (2022, August). Children’s climate change engagement through photovoice: Creative expression for youth-led action. In C. Walker, E. van Holstein, & N. Klocker (Convenors), Storytelling Towards Solidarity: Representing Diverse Experiences of Living with a Changing Climate. Paper presented at the Royal Geographical Society’s Climate Change Research Group Sponsored Session: Geographies of Children, Youth and Families Research Group (GCYFRG).


Unanue, I., Reyes-Patxot, O. E., Hernandez Rivera, L. E., & Trott, C. D. (2022, June). Desde adentro: Psychological approaches to sustain community transformation. Paper presented at the Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues Conference, San Juan, Puerto, Rico.


Trott, C. D., Unanue, I., *Reimer-Watts, K. (2022, June). Prefigurative politics and social psychologies of the future: Embodying transformation in the present. Presentation given at the Social Psychology of the Future [Virtual] Mini-Conference.


Reimer-Watts, K.*, Trott, C. D., & Riemer, M. (in review, 2021, June). Convoking a radical imaginary for climate justice: The role of community psychology. In K. Reimer-Watts (Chair), From the Ground Up: Community Empowerment for Climate and Sustainability Justice. Symposium presentation to be given at the 18th Biennial [Virtual] Conference of the Society for Community Research and Action.


Lam, S.*, Gray, E.*, Malloy, D.*, Trott, C. D. (in review, 2021, June). Exploring children’s critical climate change consciousness through photovoice: From science learning to personal connection-making for intergenerational justice. In K. Reimer-Watts (Chair), From the Ground Up: Community Empowerment for Climate and Sustainability Justice. Symposium presentation to be given at the 18th Biennial [Virtual] Conference of the Society for Community Research and Action.


Gray, E.*, Lam, S.*, Roncker, J. A.*, Courtney, R. H.*, Rockett, M. L.*, Trott, C. D. (in review, 2021, June). Resisting dominant narratives through youth-led climate justice action in Jacmel, Haiti. In K. Reimer-Watts (Chair), From the Ground Up: Community Empowerment for Climate and Sustainability Justice. Symposium presentation to be given at the 18th Biennial [Virtual] Conference of the Society for Community Research and Action.


Lam, S.*, Gray, E.*, Malloy, D.*, Shi, C. L.*, & Trott, C. D. (in review 2021, August). Children’s collective sense-making through photovoice: Exploring processes of learning, caring, and acting on climate change. Paper to be presented at the Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues Virtual Conference.


Gray, E.*, Rockett, M. L.*, Lam, S.*, & Trott, C. D. (2021, June). Empowerment through the arts: Haitian youth use photography to facilitate the climate justice conversation. Paper to be presented at the European Conference of Community Psychology, Oslo, Norway (virtual presentation).


Lam, S.*, Gray, E. S.*, Ashraf, L. J.*, Brandt, C.*, Shi, C.*, & Trott, C. D. (2020, June). Children and climate change: Examining learning and action through photovoice. Paper accepted for presentation at the Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues Conference, Denver, CO. (Conference canceled)


Riemer, M., Harré, N., &, Trott, C. D. (2020, June). Sustainability and social justice: Possibilities and tensions. Interactive discussion accepted to the 8th International Community Psychology Conference, Melbourne, Australia. (Conference canceled)


Weinberg, A. E., Trott, C. D., Merritt, E. G., Wakefield, W.* (2020, April) “It challenges my beliefs and my comfortability”: Transformative learning in a sustainability science course for preservice elementary teachers. Paper accepted for presentation at the American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA. (Conference canceled)


Trott, C.D. (2019, June). Collaborating with children for climate justice: Empowering agency through action. In C. D. Trott (Chair), Case studies in creating cultures of sustainability through community and organizational partnerships. Symposium submitted for presentation at the 17th Biennial Conference of the Society for Community Research and Action, Chicago, IL.


Even, T. L., Trott, C. D., Frame, S., Cristophe, H., & Youdlii, J. (2019, March). Lives of Water: An arts-based environmental education program in Jacmel, Haiti. Paper to be presented at the Annual Meeting of the Society for Applied Anthropology, Portland, OR.


Sample McMeeking, L. B., Weinberg, A. E., & Trott, C. D. (2017, November). Integrated mathematics and science education: A scoping review. Paper presented at the School Science and Mathematics Association conference, Lexington, KY.


Winterrowd, E. M., Trott, C. D., Johnson, A., Harayma, D., & Canetto, S. S. (2017, August). Views of careers and family choices by women in science graduate school. In Beyond the undergrad experience: STEM-trained women pursuing doctoral studies and in the workforce. Paper presented at the 125th Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, Washington, D.C.


Trott, C. D. (2017, June). Children’s climate change engagement: Building agency and community sustainability. In LaCasse, K. M. (Chair), Psychosocial impacts of individual, community, and global climate change interventions. Paper presented at the Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues Conference, Albuquerque, NM.


Trott, C. D. (2016, August). Science, Camera, Action!: A photovoice project for youth climate change engagement. Paper presented at the 124th Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, Denver, Colorado.

Trott, C. D. (2016, June). Rising to the challenge: Exploring barriers to youth participation in climate action. Paper presented at the European Research Council ‘Activism on the Edge of Age’ workshop, Brighton, United Kingdom.


Trott, C. D. (2016, June). Engaging key stakeholders in climate action: A youth-based photovoice project. In S. Clayton (Discussant) and C. D. Trott (Chair), Mobilizing psychology to strengthen public engagement with climate change. Symposium presented at the Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues Conference, Minneapolis, MN.

Anthenien, A., Trott, C. D., & Harman, J. J. (2016, March). Public and private self-consciousness as moderators of the effects of perceived norms on adolescent sexual behaviors. In A. M. del Rio-Gonzalez (Chair), Social norms and adolescent sexual behavior: Four international perspectives. Symposium presented at the Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research on Adolescence, Baltimore, MD.

Sample-McMeeking, L. B., Trott, C. D., Bowker, C. L., & Boyd, K. (2015, December). Long-term academic and career impacts of undergraduate research: Diverse pathways to geoscience careers following a summer atmospheric science research internship. Paper presented at the American Geophysical Union Conference, San Francisco, CA. 

Trott, C. D. (2015, June). Men’s work-family views from academic science: Insights and policy implications. Paper presented at the Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues: Science for Policy Conference, Washington, D.C.

Trott, C. D. (2015, March). Constructing alternatives: Critical implications for the psychological study of prefigurative politics. Paper presented at the Prefigurative Politics Workshop, London School of Economics, London, UK.

Trott, C. D., Byess, J.*, Stevens, & S., Beckman, E.* (2015, March). Why be a feminist? Perspectives on feminism and activism by female college students. Paper presented at the Association for Women in Psychology National Conference, San Francisco, CA.

Trott, C. D., & Canetto, S. S. (2014, July). Female graduate students’ perceptions of careers in STEM academia. Paper presented at the 2nd Gender and STEM Network Conference, Berlin, Germany.

Stevens, S., Trott, C. D., Canetto, S. S. (2013, March). Women who choose engineering: Asian foreign national women in U.S. doctoral programs explain their choice. Paper presented at the Association for Women in Psychology Conference, Salt Lake City, UT.

Harman, J. J., Kaufman, M. R., Aoki, E. & Trott, C. D. (2013, January). Sexual network partners in Tanzania: Labels, power, and social identity. Paper presented at the 14th Annual Meeting of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, New Orleans, LA.

Trott, C. D., & Canetto, S. S. (2012, June). The abuse of women’s human rights: Explanations and actions from psychology. Paper presented at the International Conference on Interdisciplinary Social Sciences in Barcelona, Spain.

Trott, C. D., & Canetto, S. S. (2012, March). Women’s human rights: Why psychology should get involved. Paper presented at the Association for Women in Psychology Conference, Palm Springs, CA.

Selected Roundtables, Workshops, & Posters
* student co-author

Trott, C. D., & Lam, S.* (2023, June). Equity-driven climate planning in Cincinnati: Prioritizing disproportionately-affected neighborhoods through community engagement. In C. D. Trott (Chair), Cultivating climate justice through community engagement: Transforming systems and selves through activism and local planning processes [Symposium]. Paper presented at the 19th Biennial Conference of the Society for Community Research and Action, Atlanta, GA, USA.


Lam, S.*, & Trott, C. D. (2023, June). Exploring pathways into youth climate justice activism: Stories of solidarity for climate just futures. In C. D. Trott (Chair), Cultivating climate justice through community engagement: Transforming systems and selves through activism and local planning processes [Symposium]. Paper presented at the 19th Biennial Conference of the Society for Community Research and Action, Atlanta, GA, USA.


Anderson, K. M., Morgan, K. Y., Christens, B. D., Silka, L., & Trott, C. D. (2023, June). Action research: A tool for engagement. Interactive discussion co-facilitated at the Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues Conference, Denver, CO, USA.


Lam, S.* & Trott, C. D. (2022, November). Ensuring a climate just future: Lessons learned from collaborating with children through photovoice. In Youth Roundtable: Youth Leading the Way to Healthier Communities. Roundtable Session conducted at the Community Based Public Health Caucus during the 150 Years Annual Meeting & Expo of the American Public Health Association, Boston, MA, USA.


Leer, J.*, Mancoll, S., Trott, C. D., Grzanka, P. R., & Saunders, J. F. (2022, June). Forging connections, disrupting barriers: Designing policy research for structural transformation. Interactive discussion co-facilitated at the Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues Conference, San Juan, Puerto Rico.


Roncker, J. A.*, Courtney, R. H.*, Gray, E.*, Lam, S.*, Rockett, M. L.*, & Trott, C. D. (2020, October). If you give a kid a camera: How Haitian youth use art and science to lead the environmental conversation. Poster presented at the 44th Midwest Ecological-Community Psychology conference of the Society for Community Research and Action, Minneapolis, MN.


Redman, E. & Trott, C. D. (2020, June). Sustainability outside the lines. Co-facilitated interactive discussion with Educational Sustainability doctoral students at the University of Wisconsin, Stevens Point. 


Trott, C. D., Dutt, A., Riemer, M., Harré, N., & Unanue, I. (2020, June). Prefiguring solidarity in cross-national community-university partnerships: Confronting intersectional and institutional privilege. Interactive discussion accepted to the 8th International Community Psychology Conference, Melbourne, Australia. (Conference canceled)


Rockett, M. L.*, Lam, S.*, Gray, E. S.*, Trott, C. D., Frame, S., & Even, T. L. (2020, June). Art-science integration for youth-led sustainability action in Jacmel, Haiti. Poster accepted for presentation at the Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues Conference, Denver, CO. (Conference canceled)


Unanue, I., Trott, C. D., McInerney, e.e.w., & Even, T. L.  (2020, June). Healing and climate sustainability: Our role as community psychologists. Interactive discussion accepted to the 8th International Community Psychology Conference, Melbourne, Australia. (Conference canceled)


Rockett, M. L.*, Gray, E. S.*, Lam, S.*, Trott, C.D., Frame, S., & Even, T. L. (2020, April). Community asset mapping for sustainable change: Water and sanitation resources, collaborative research, and citizen-Science in Jacmel, Haiti. Poster accepted for presentation at the Annual Meeting of the American Association of Geographers, Denver, CO. (Conference canceled)


Weinberg, A. E., & Trott, C. D. (2020, March). University-community partnerships for transdisciplinary learning and collaborative sustainability action: From instructing ‘what is’ to imagining ‘what if?’ Roundtable discussion accepted to the 64th Annual Conference of the Comparative and International Education Society, Miami, FL. (Conference canceled)


Lam, S.*, Kirkendall, A. K.*, Carver, N. S.*, Dutt, A., & Trott, C. D. (2019, October). Cultures of activism in the academy: Facilitating a critical dialogue among students. Interactive discussion co-facilitated at the 43rd Midwest Ecological-Community Psychology conference of the Society for Community Research and Action, Lisle, IL.  


Riemer, M., Harré, N., Pellman, J. &, Trott, C. D. (2019, June). Community psychology and cultures of sustainability. Interactive discussion co-facilitated at the 17th Biennial Conference of the Society for Community Research and Action, Chicago, IL. 


Even, T. L., Trott, C. D., Frame, S., Cristophe, H., & Youdlii, J. (2019, June). Innovation in international community action research collaborations: Art, science, and action for sustainability transformations in Jacmel, Haiti. Audiovisual interactive discussion co-facilitated at the 17th Biennial Conference of the Society for Community Research and Action, Chicago, IL.


Lam, S.*, Trott, C. D., Even, T. L., Dutt, A., & Hackett, K. (2019, June). Prefigurative methodologies in community psychology: How can researchers contribute to the creation of just social change now?. Interactive discussion co-facilitated at the 17th Biennial Conference of the Society for Community Research and Action, Chicago, IL.


Trott, C. D., Hackett, K., & Dutt, A. (2018, October). Instantiating social change through prefigurative methodologies. Roundtable discussion to be conducted at the 42nd Midwest ECO conference, Chicago, IL.


Sample McMeeking, L. B., Trott, C. D., & Weinberg, A. E. (2018, June). Participatory action research experiences for undergraduates: Exploring challenges and opportunities of a coordinated approach. Roundtable discussion conducted at the Network of STEM Education Centers National Conference, Columbus, OH.


Hackett, K., Trott, C. D., & Cavanaugh, C. (2017, June). On the politics and potentialities of community-based research by students. Interactive discussion, Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues Conference, Albuquerque, NM.


Silka, L., Trott, C. D., & Mancoll, S. (2017, June). Climate change collaborations: Engaging in regional partnerships, outreach, and advocacy. Interactive discussion, Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues Conference, Albuquerque, NM.


Trott, C. D. (2017, March). Raising carbon consciousness through Energy Bingo. Activity presented at the National Earth Science Teachers Association and National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Climate, Ocean, and Weather Share-a-Thon at the National Science Teachers Association conference, Los Angeles, CA.


Trott, C. D. (2016, August). Bridging divides: Expanding psychology’s role in climate change efforts and alliances. In L. Silka (Chair), Harnessing psychological research for improved climate change decision-making: Lessons from the field and strategies for public engagement. Skill-building session conducted at the 124th Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, Denver, CO.

Trott, C. D., Harman, J. J., & Kaufman, M. R. (2015, August). Gendered social norms impact expressed attitudes towards intimate partner violence in Ethiopia. Poster presented at the 123rd Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, Toronto, Ontario.

Also presented at the (2015, November) Colorado State University Graduate Student Showcase, Fort Collins, CO.

Trott, C. D., Anthenien, A., & Harman, J. J. (2015, May). The gender dimension of condom use: Implications for cognitive dissonance interventions. Poster presented at the 23rd Annual Meeting of the Society for Prevention Research: Integrating Prevention Science and Public Policy, Washington, D.C. 


Also presented at the (2015, May) University of Colorado, University of Denver, & Colorado State University Regional Social Psychology conference, Fort Collins, CO.

Anthenien, A., & Trott, C. D. (2015, February). Combining cognitive dissonance and social norm interventions to increase college students’ condom use. Poster presented at the 16th Annual Meeting of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, Long Beach, CA.

Trott, C. D., & Canetto, S. S. (2014, August). A price too high? Views and expectations of academic careers by female science graduate students. Poster presented at the 122nd Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, Washington, D.C.

Also presented at the (2014, August) National Science Foundation and Center for Multi-Scale Modeling of Atmospheric Processes conference, Fort Collins, CO.

Ogle, A., Trott, C. D., & Canetto, S. S. (2014, August). The paradox of science and engineering women's career values and behavior. Poster presented at the 122nd Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, Washington, D.C.

Also presented at the (2014, August) National Science Foundation and Center for Multi-Scale Modeling of Atmospheric Processes conference, Fort Collins, CO.

Trott, C. D., & Canetto, S. S. (2014, July). Perceptions of academic careers by female atmospheric science graduate students. Poster presented at the 28th International Congress of Applied Psychology, Paris, France.

Trott, C. D., & Canetto, S. S. (2014, June). Exploring social ideologies as predictors of college women’s feminist activism. Poster presented at the 10th Biennial Conference of the Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues: Social Action and Change, Portland, OR.

Trott, C. D., Canetto, S. S., & Anthenian, A. (2014, February). Female science students’ perspectives on stereotypes of women’s science ineptitude. Poster presented at the 15th Annual Meeting of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, Austin, TX.

Trott, C. D., Stevens, S., & Canetto, S. S. (2013, April). Women’s views and experiences of female mentors and models in academic science. Poster presented at the Rocky Mountain Psychological Association Conference, Denver, CO.

Also presented at the (2013, August) National Science Foundation and Center for Multi-Scale Modeling of Atmospheric Processes conference, Fort Collins, CO.

Also presented at the (2013, November) National Science Foundation: Gender Summit 3 – North America: Diversity Fueling Excellence in Research and Innovation, Washington, D.C.

Trott, C. D., Canetto, S. S. & Ogle, A. (2013, January). Do men experience work-family conflict? Views and experiences of STEM-doctorate male students. Poster presented at the National Multicultural Conference and Summit, Houston, TX.

Also presented at the (2013, November) National Science Foundation: Gender Summit 3 – North America: Diversity Fueling Excellence in Research and Innovation, Washington, D.C.

Trott, C. D., Harman, J. J., Kaufman, M., Mooney, A., & Modarres, N. (2012, October). Exploring the nature of multiple concurrent partnerships in Tanzania. Poster presented at the American Public Health Association Conference, San Francisco, CA.

Trott, C. D., & Canetto, S. S. (2012, August). Why engineering? Women in graduate engineering explain their choice. Symposium presented at the 120th Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, Orlando, FL.

Trott, C. D., & Canetto, S. S. (2012, August). Why get a doctorate? Views and experiences of atmospheric science female graduate students. Poster presented at the 120th Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, Orlando, FL.

Trott, C. D., Ogle, A., Kang, J.*, Beckman, E.*, Millard, L., Ihnen, J.*, & Canetto, S. S. (2012, April). Male atmospheric science doctoral students’ perspectives on work-family integration.  Poster presented at the Rocky Mountain Psychological Association Conference, Reno, NV.

Stoops, T.*, Thomas, J., Canetto, S. S., Trott, C. D., & Wyntsra, C. (2011, August). Plans for children of women and men in STEM. Poster presented at the 119th Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, Washington D.C.

Also presented at the (2011, August) National Science Foundation and Center for Multi-Scale Modeling of Atmospheric Processes conference, Fort Collins, CO.

Trott, C. D., Dean, S.*, & Canetto, S. S. (2011, August). Female graduate students’ mentorship experiences in the atmospheric sciences. Poster presented at the 119th Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, Washington D.C. 

Also presented at the (2011, August) National Science Foundation and Center for Multi-Scale Modeling of Atmospheric Processes conference, Fort Collins, CO.

Trott, C. D., Canetto, S. S., Thomas, J., Wynstra, C., & Stoops, T.* (2011, April). Career plans of atmospheric sciences graduate students: Does gender matter? Poster presented at the Rocky Mountain Psychological Association Conference, Salt Lake City, UT. 

Trott, C. D., Dean, S.*, & Canetto, S. S. (2011, April). Mentorship experiences of female atmospheric sciences graduate students: A pilot study. Poster presented at the Rocky Mountain Psychological Association Conference, Salt Lake City, UT. 


Trott, C. D., Runion, H., Cloutier, K., Velcoff, J., & Harper, G. (2010, March). Cultural considerations in rural Kenya: Mother-daughter sexual health communication and HIV/AIDS prevention. Poster presented at the Eastern Psychological Association Conference, Brooklyn, NY.


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